/** * When I noticed the growing popularity of JS-Slide and JS-Fade effects I have * decide to develop a plugin for jQuery. This plugin will help you to add thise * effects to the site in more simple way. * Note: If the mousewheel plugin has been included on the page then the slider will * also respond to the mouse wheel. * * @name jQuery ulSlide plugin * @license GPL * @version 1.4.9 * @date April 1th, 2013 * @category jQuery plugin * @author Kotelnitskiy Evgeniy (evgennniy@gmail.com) * @copyright (c) 2012 Kotelnitskiy Evgeniy (http://4coder.info/en/) * @example Visit http://4coder.info/en/code/jquery-plugins/ulslide/ for more informations about this jQuery plugin */ (function($) { ulslide_last_id = 0; $.fn.ulslide = function(settings) { var thisObj = this; if (thisObj.length == 0) return false; var thisEl = thisObj[0]; if (! $(thisEl).attr('id')) { ulslide_last_id ++; $(thisEl).attr('id', 'ulslide-' + ulslide_last_id); } var id = $(thisEl).attr('id'); // Settings settings = $.extend({ effect: { type: 'slide', // slide, fade or carousel (use showCount for carousel) axis: 'x', // x, y distance: 20 // Distance between frames }, duration: 600, // Changing duration direction: 'f', // f, b autoslide: false, // Autoscrolling interval (ms) current: 0, width: thisObj.width(), height: 'auto', // pixels or 'auto' statusbar: true, loadTimeout: 6000, // images loading timeout lazyload: false, // testing ajax: false, mousewheel: false, // Scroll on "mousewheel" // Selectors: pager: false, nextButton: false, prevButton: false, printCurrentTo: false, //framesOnPage: 2, onAnimateStart: function(settings, thisEl){}, onAnimate: function(settings, thisEl){}, onAjaxStart: function(settings, thisEl){}, onAjaxStop: function(settings, thisEl){}, debug: false },settings); // Deprecated Options if (typeof settings['affect'] != 'undefined') settings['effect']['type'] = settings['affect']; if (typeof settings['axis'] != 'undefined') settings['effect']['axis'] = settings['axis']; if (typeof settings['padding'] != 'undefined') settings['effect']['distance'] = settings['padding']; if (typeof settings['navigator'] != 'undefined') settings['pager'] = settings['navigator']; if (typeof settings['print_current'] != 'undefined') settings['printCurrentTo'] = settings['print_current']; if (typeof settings['bnext'] != 'undefined') settings['nextButton'] = settings['bnext']; if (typeof settings['bprev'] != 'undefined') settings['prevButton'] = settings['bprev']; // end Deprecated Options if (typeof settings['effect']['distance'] == 'undefined') settings['effect']['distance'] = 20; settings['fwidth'] = settings['width'] + settings['effect']['distance']; settings['fheight'] = settings['height'] + settings['effect']['distance']; settings['prev'] = settings['current']; settings['count'] = $('> *', thisObj).length; if (settings['lazyload']) { $('img', thisObj).each(function(i){ var img = $(this); img.attr('rel', img.attr('src')); if (i > 0) { img.removeAttr("src"); } }); /*settings['_lazyloaded'][0] = true;*/ } function carouselGetFramePos(i, current){ if (i >= settings['effect']['showCount'] - current) { var l = settings['count'] - settings['effect']['showCount']; var ci = (i + current - settings['effect']['showCount']) - l; return ci; } else return i + current; } // CSS for elements $('> *', thisObj).each(function(i){ var liel = $(this); liel.addClass('slide-node slide-node-'+i); liel.css("position", 'absolute'); liel.css("margin", '0'); liel.css("distance", '0'); liel.css("width", settings['width']); liel.css("overflow", "hidden"); if (settings['effect']['type'] == 'carousel') { var ci = carouselGetFramePos(i, settings['current']); if (settings['effect']['axis'] == 'y') { liel.css("top", (ci * settings['fheight'])); liel.css("left", '0'); } else { liel.css("top", '0'); liel.css("left", (ci * settings['fwidth'])); } } else { if (i == settings['current']){ liel.css("top", '0'); liel.css("left", '0'); } else{ liel.css("top", '0'); liel.css("left", -(settings['width'] + settings['effect']['distance'])); } } }); // CSS for container thisObj.css("list-style", "none"); thisObj.css("distance", "0"); thisObj.css("position", "relative"); thisObj.css("padding", 0); if (settings['effect']['type'] != 'rotate') thisObj.css("overflow", "hidden"); if (settings['effect']['type'] == 'carousel') { if (settings['effect']['axis'] == 'y') { thisObj.css("width", settings['width']); thisObj.css("height", settings['fheight'] * settings['effect']['showCount'] - settings['effect']['distance']); } else { thisObj.css("width", settings['fwidth'] * settings['effect']['showCount'] - settings['effect']['distance']); thisObj.css("height", settings['height']); } } else { thisObj.css("width", settings['width']); if (settings['height'] == 'auto'){ thisObj.css("height", $('> *:eq('+settings['current']+')', thisObj).height()); } else thisObj.css("height", settings['height']); } settings['prevHeight'] = settings['height']; thisEl.getSlide = function getSlide(num) { return $('> *:eq('+num+')', thisEl); }; function next() { var c = thisEl.uslCurrent(); settings['direction'] = 'f'; if (c + 1 < settings['count']) { thisEl.uslRefresh(c + 1); } else { thisEl.uslRefresh(0); } } function prev() { var c = thisEl.uslCurrent(); settings['direction'] = 'b'; if (c > 0) { thisEl.uslRefresh(c - 1); } else { thisEl.uslRefresh(settings['count'] - 1); } } if (settings['height'] == 'auto') thisEl.currentHeight = thisEl.getSlide(settings['current']).height(); else thisEl.currentHeight = settings['height']; thisEl.uslCurrent = function(new_value){ if (new_value == undefined){ return settings['current']; } else { var old = thisEl.uslCurrent(); var c = new_value; settings['current'] = new_value; return new_value; } }; thisEl.autoslideNext = function(){ if (settings['direction'] == 'f') next(); else prev(); }; thisEl.initAutoslide = function(){ if (settings['TimeoutID']) clearTimeout(settings['TimeoutID']); settings['TimeoutID'] = setTimeout("jQuery('#"+$(thisEl).attr('id')+"')[0].autoslideNext()", settings['autoslide']); if (settings['debug']) console.log('initAutoslide: ' + settings['TimeoutID']); }; thisEl.clearAutoslide = function(){ if (settings['TimeoutID']) { clearTimeout(settings['TimeoutID']); } }; thisEl.uslRefresh = function(slide_index, fast, callback){ if (settings['debug']) console.log('uslRefresh()'); if (! thisEl.ready) { if (settings['debug']) console.log('uslRefresh / ' + settings['id'] + ': ! thisEl.ready'); setTimeout("jQuery('#"+$(thisEl).attr('id')+"')[0].uslRefresh()", 400); return; } if (settings['LoadTimeoutID']) clearTimeout(settings['LoadTimeoutID']); thisEl.ready = false; if (typeof(slide_index) != 'undefined') { thisEl.uslCurrent(slide_index); } thisEl.clearAutoslide(); var prev = thisEl.getSlide(settings['prev']); var current = thisEl.getSlide(settings['current']); current.css('display', 'block'); function doRefresh() { if (settings['debug']) console.log('doRefresh()'); settings['onAnimateStart'](settings, thisEl); // notification //console.log(settings['id'] + ': doRefresh'); if (settings['height'] == 'auto') { thisEl.currentHeight = thisEl.getSlide(settings['current']).height(); settings['prevHeight'] = thisEl.getSlide(settings['prev']).height(); } function finish_animate() { if (settings['debug']) console.log('finish_animate(): start'); if (settings['printCurrentTo']) { $(settings['printCurrentTo']).html(settings['current'] + 1); } if ((settings['prev'] != settings['current']) && (settings['effect']['type'] != 'carousel') ) { prev.css('display', 'none'); } if (settings['height'] == 'auto') { thisObj.animate({ 'height': thisEl.currentHeight }, 250/*, function() { alert(settings['id'] + ': finish_animate()' + thisEl.currentHeight); }*/); } //settings['prev'] = settings['current']; if (settings['debug']) console.log('finish_animate(): autoslide = ' + settings['autoslide']); if (settings['autoslide']) thisEl.initAutoslide(); settings['onAnimate'](settings, thisEl); // notification settings['prev'] = settings['current']; thisEl.uslRefreshClasses(); thisEl.ready = true; if (typeof callback != 'undefined') callback(); } if (settings['prev'] == settings['current']) { finish_animate(); return; } if (settings['effect']['type'] == 'slide') { if (settings['effect']['axis'] == 'x'){ if (settings['prev'] != settings['current']){ if (settings['direction'] == 'f'){ prev.animate({ 'left': -(settings['width'] + settings['effect']['distance']) }, settings['duration'], settings['easing']); current.css('left', settings['width'] + settings['effect']['distance']); } else{ prev.animate({ 'left': settings['width'] + settings['effect']['distance'] }, settings['duration'], settings['easing']); current.css('left', -(settings['width'] + settings['effect']['distance'])); } } current.animate({ 'left': 0 }, settings['duration'], settings['easing'], function(){ finish_animate(); }); } else { if (settings['prev'] != settings['current']){ if (settings['direction'] == 'f'){ prev.animate({ 'top': thisEl.currentHeight + settings['effect']['distance'] }, settings['duration'], settings['easing'], function(){ prev.css('left', -(settings['width'] + settings['effect']['distance'])); }); current.css('top', -(settings['prevHeight'] + settings['effect']['distance'])); } else{ prev.animate({ 'top': -(thisEl.currentHeight + settings['effect']['distance']) }, settings['duration'], settings['easing'], function(){ prev.css('left', -(settings['width'] + settings['effect']['distance'])); }); current.css('top', settings['prevHeight'] + settings['effect']['distance']); } } current.css('left', 0); current.animate({ 'top': 0 }, settings['duration'], settings['easing'], function(){ finish_animate(); }); } } else if (settings['effect']['type'] == 'fade') { current.css('display', 'none'); //current.css('z-index', 2); current.css('left', 0); current.css('top', 0); //prev.css('z-index', 1); var duration = settings['duration']; if (typeof fast != 'undefined') duration = 0; prev.fadeOut(duration, function(){ prev.css('display', 'none'); current.fadeIn(duration, function(){ finish_animate(); }); }); } else if (settings['effect']['type'] == 'rotate') { var rotate_pref = settings['direction'] == 'f' ? '-' : ''; current.animate({'rotate': rotate_pref + '90deg', 'scale': '0.01', 'opacity': 0.3, 'z-index': 2, 'left': 0, 'top': 0}, 0); prev.css('z-index', 1); prev.animate({'opacity': 0}, settings['duration'], settings['easing'], function(){ }); current.animate({'rotate': rotate_pref + '360deg', 'scale': '1', 'opacity': 1}, settings['duration'], settings['easing'], function(){ finish_animate(); }); } else if (settings['effect']['type'] == 'scale') { if (settings['direction'] == 'f') { var rotate_pref = '-'; var rotate_pref_i = ''; } else { var rotate_pref = ''; var rotate_pref_i = '-'; } current.animate({'scale': '0.05', 'opacity': 0.3, 'z-index': 2, 'left': 0, 'top': 0, 'marginLeft': rotate_pref_i + (settings['fwidth']/2)+'px'}, 0); prev.css('z-index', 1); prev.animate({'scale': '0.01', 'opacity': 0, 'marginLeft': rotate_pref + (settings['fwidth']/2)+'px'}, settings['duration'], settings['easing'], function(){ }); current.animate({'scale': '1', 'opacity': 1, 'marginLeft': '0px'}, settings['duration'], settings['easing'], function(){ finish_animate(); }); } else if (settings['effect']['type'] == 'carousel') { $('> *', thisObj).each(function(i){ liel = $(this); var ci = carouselGetFramePos(i, settings['current']); if (settings['direction'] == 'f') var pi = carouselGetFramePos(i, settings['current'] - 1); else var pi = carouselGetFramePos(i, settings['current'] + 1); //***************************************************** if (settings['effect']['axis'] == 'y') { if ((settings['direction'] == 'f') && (ci == 0)) { liel.css('top', (-1 * settings['fheight'])); liel.animate({'top': ci * settings['fheight']}, settings['duration'], settings['easing']); } else if ((settings['direction'] == 'f') && (pi + 1 == settings['effect']['showCount'])) { liel.animate({'top': (settings['effect']['showCount']) * settings['fheight']}, settings['duration'], settings['easing']); } else if ((settings['direction'] == 'b') && (pi == 0)) { liel.animate({'top': -1 * settings['fheight']}, settings['duration'], settings['easing']); } else if ((settings['direction'] == 'b') && (ci + 1 == settings['effect']['showCount'])) { liel.css('top', (ci + 1) * settings['fheight']); liel.animate({'top': ci * settings['fheight']}, settings['duration'], settings['easing']); } else { if ((ci < settings['effect']['showCount']) && (ci >= 0)) { liel.animate({'top': ci * settings['fheight']}, settings['duration'], settings['easing']); } else { liel.css('top', (ci * settings['fheight'])); } } } else { if ((settings['direction'] == 'f') && (ci == 0)) { liel.css('left', (-1 * settings['fwidth'])); liel.animate({'left': ci * settings['fwidth']}, settings['duration'], settings['easing']); } else if ((settings['direction'] == 'f') && (pi + 1 == settings['effect']['showCount'])) { liel.animate({'left': (settings['effect']['showCount']) * settings['fwidth']}, settings['duration'], settings['easing']); } else if ((settings['direction'] == 'b') && (pi == 0)) { liel.animate({'left': -1 * settings['fwidth']}, settings['duration'], settings['easing']); } else if ((settings['direction'] == 'b') && (ci + 1 == settings['effect']['showCount'])) { liel.css('left', (ci + 1) * settings['fwidth']); liel.animate({'left': ci * settings['fwidth']}, settings['duration'], settings['easing']); } else { if ((ci < settings['effect']['showCount']) && (ci >= 0)) { liel.animate({'left': ci * settings['fwidth']}, settings['duration'], settings['easing']); } else { liel.css('left', (ci * settings['fwidth'])); } } } setTimeout(function(){ finish_animate(); }, settings['duration'] + 100); }); } } if (settings['ajax']) { settings['onAjaxStart'](settings, thisEl); // notification var statusbar_loaded = thisEl.getSlide(settings['current'])[0].usl_ajax_loaded; thisEl.uslAjaxLoadSlide(settings['current'], function() { settings['onAjaxStop'](settings, thisEl); // notification doRefresh(); }) } else { if (settings['lazyload']) { var $imgToLoad = $('img', current[0]); $imgToLoad.each(function(i){ var img = $(this); img.attr('src', img.attr('rel')); }); settings['z_img_count'] = $imgToLoad.length; settings['z_img_loaded'] = 0; $imgToLoad.each(function(){ if (this.complete) { settings['z_img_loaded'] ++; } else { $(this).load(function(){ settings['z_img_loaded'] ++; if (settings['z_img_loaded'] == settings['z_img_count']){ doRefresh(); } }); } }); if (settings['z_img_loaded'] == settings['z_img_count']){ doRefresh(); } return; } doRefresh(); } }; thisEl.uslAjaxLoadSlide = function(slide_num, callback) { var current = thisEl.getSlide(slide_num); if (current[0].usl_ajax_loaded) { callback(); } else { var url = $(settings['pager']).eq(slide_num).attr('href'); current[0].usl_ajax_loaded = true; current.load(url + '?ajax=1', false, callback); } }; thisEl.uslRefreshClasses = function(){ if (settings['count'] > 1){ if (settings['nextButton']) $(settings['nextButton']).addClass('active'); if (settings['prevButton']) $(settings['prevButton']).addClass('active'); } if (settings['pager']){ $(settings['pager']).removeClass('usl-current'); $(settings['pager'] + '.usl-pager-'+thisEl.uslCurrent()).addClass('usl-current'); $(settings['pager']).parent().removeClass('usl-current-parent'); $(settings['pager'] + '.usl-pager-'+thisEl.uslCurrent()).parent().addClass('usl-current-parent'); } }; if (settings['nextButton']){ $(settings['nextButton']).click(function(){ next(); return false; }); } if (settings['prevButton']){ $(settings['prevButton']).click(function(){ prev(); return false; }); } function setNavigator(s_navigator) { var pager = $(s_navigator); pager.each(function(index){ this.usl_navigator_index = index; $(this).addClass('usl-pager-' + index); }); pager.click(function(){ var c = this.usl_navigator_index; if ((c < settings['count']) && (c != thisEl.uslCurrent())) { //thisEl.uslCurrent(c); if (c > thisEl.uslCurrent()) settings['direction'] = 'f'; else settings['direction'] = 'b'; thisEl.uslRefresh(c); } return false; }); } if (settings['pager']){ setNavigator(settings['pager']); } if (settings['navigator2']){ setNavigator(settings['navigator2']); } function loadingStatus(loading) { if (loading) { thisObj.addClass('usl-loading'); } else { thisObj.removeClass('usl-loading'); } } thisEl.uslStatusbar = function() { function isImageLoaded(img) { // Во время события load IE и другие браузеры правильно // определяют состояние картинки через атрибут complete. // Исключение составляют Gecko-based браузеры. if (!img.complete) { return false; } // Тем не менее, у них есть два очень полезных свойства: naturalWidth и naturalHeight. // Они дают истинный размер изображения. Если какртинка еще не загрузилась, // то они должны быть равны нулю. if (typeof img.naturalWidth !== "undefined" && img.naturalWidth === 0) { return false; } // Картинка загружена. return true; } if (settings['lazyload']) { var $imgToLoad = $('>li:eq('+settings['current']+') img', thisEl); } else { var $imgToLoad = $('img', thisEl); } settings['img_count'] = $imgToLoad.length; if (settings['img_count']) { loadingStatus(true); } settings['img_loaded'] = 0; $imgToLoad.each(function(){ if (isImageLoaded(this)) { settings['img_loaded'] ++; if (settings['debug']) console.log($(this).attr('src') + ' loaded'); } else { $(this).load(function(){ settings['img_loaded'] ++; if (settings['debug']) console.log('Img LOAD / ' + settings['img_loaded'] + ' of ' + settings['img_count']); if (settings['img_loaded'] == settings['img_count']){ loadingStatus(false); thisEl.ready = true; thisEl.uslRefresh(); } }); if (settings['debug']) console.log($(this).attr('src') + ' NOT loaded'); } }); if (settings['debug']) console.log('uslStatusbar() / ' + settings['img_loaded'] + ' of ' + settings['img_count']); if (settings['img_loaded'] == settings['img_count']){ loadingStatus(false); thisEl.ready = true; thisEl.uslRefresh(); } settings['LoadTimeoutID'] = setTimeout(function(){ loadingStatus(false); thisEl.ready = true; thisEl.uslRefresh(); }, settings['loadTimeout']); }; // statusbar if (settings['statusbar'] && !settings['ajax']){ thisEl.uslStatusbar(); } /* * If the mousewheel plugin has been included on the page then * the slider will also respond to the mouse wheel. */ if (settings['mousewheel']) { thisObj.bind( 'mousewheel', function (event, delta) { if (thisEl.ready) { if (delta < 0) { next(); } else { prev(); } } return false; }); } if (! settings['statusbar'] || settings['ajax']) { thisEl.ready = true; thisEl.uslRefresh(); } }; })(jQuery);